Sunday, March 29, 2009

Becoming The Sales Super Hero

"May I ask who does your window cleaning?” Jimmy mutters to the "gatekeeper". Her look and answer almost knocks him down â€" as if a dragon just opened its mouth and spewed fire at him. Helga Gatekeeper responds, "WHO WANTS TO KNOW!?"

Has this never happened to you? If it hasn’t, then you haven’t prospected before. It's happened to all of us who sell services business-to-business. Unfortunately, oftentimes the answer to Helga kills the deal right then and there. Most professional service providers retort with something like, "I'm Jimmy Meek and I'm the best window washer in town!". A fine answer indeed, right? Jimmy knows he's the best but it's his word against the gatekeeper - and the world, for that matter. She’s heard every Tom, Dick, and Harriett say those same words with a different name. Helga’s thinking in her head, “Oh good, an easy one”.

Jimmy doesn't think about this but the gatekeeper gets dozens of requests to see the decision-maker every day. The gatekeeper's job is to knock down the weak with her mental toughness and “rejection-speak”. She's a seasoned vet at this and the typical salesman is no match for her prowess.

The gatekeeper rolls her eyes at Jimmy and mutters under her breath, "Sure, that's what they all say. Give me your information and I'll pass it on to the appropriate party". This typical scenario ends when Jimmy complies, thanks the gatekeeper and departs with his tail between his legs.

When this happens the deal is dead in the water. Kaput, end of story â€" NO SALE. Sorry! Jimmy isn’t going to get a return call. It’s doubtful that Helga will even give the information to the decision-maker. The next stop for Jimmy’s material â€" the circular file called the garbage can!

It doesn't have to be this way. In fact it NEVER should. The salesman should be in control of the sale at ALL times. Let's go through a successful "gatekeeper experience" now.

Johnny Star, Window Cleaning Super Hero, has already done his homework and knows that James B. Grouch is the decision-maker. He found out this vital information by using his brains instead of wasting his time, energy and resources. Johnny called ahead a few days prior and asked to be put through to the maintenance decision-maker “immediately”. When Helga Gatekeeper said, "who is this?” or “is he/she expecting your call?” Johnny turned it around on her and said, "Look, this is urgent. If I tell you who’s calling will you finally put me through to him or her?"

Let's stop right here and analyze what's going on. Johnny has met the gatekeeper and she's as tough a gatekeeper as Johnny’s ever met. But Johnny anticipated this and responded with a tough answer. Notice Johnny's answer didn't end with a period, it ended with a question. At this point the gatekeeper will either say yes or no. Let’s go through the no scenario because if he gets a yes, he’s done his job well and has outmatched Helga.

Helga Gatekeeper says “No!” Johnny is quick on his thinking skills and immediately responds, “As I said, this is urgent and I really need to speak with that person. My name is Johnny - now can I please speak w/them now?”

Let’s analyze this for a minute. Helga got her way with the first “no”, but she’s not going to get away with it this time. If she says “no” again, it better be for a good reason. At this point Helga either patches him through, or the more likely scenario is, “I’m sorry but he is not available right now, can I take a message?” Johnny says, “Look, I’ve got to run. What is his name? I’ll call him back later.” The gatekeeper’s job is to scatter away the weak, not the ones who truly NEED Johnny and those like him. If she says “I can’t give you his name”, Johnny’s going to ask for the manager. But the likely scenario is Helga gives up the name: “His name is “James B. Grouch”, Helga blurts out. As Johnny gets off the phone he says, “Do me a favor and tell Mr. Grouch that Johnny Star needs to speak with him ASAP”.

Now that Johnny is armed with one of the most critical steps â€" getting the decision-maker’s info, he can use his star sales ability to get the decision-maker on the phone.

…two days later…

Johnny: “I need to speak with James Grouch please. It’s urgent”
Helga: “Is he expecting your call?”
Johnny: “Yes I said I’d call back”
Helga: “Hang on please”
Grouch: “Grouch here”
Johnny: “James - I may call you James, can’t I?”
Grouch: “Sure. Who is this?”
Johnny: “I’m Johnny Star and I need to speak with you about your windows ASAP.”

Time to analyze again. Johnny did a great job of getting Grouch on the phone. He said he was going to call back and did. He didn’t drive out and get met by Helga Gatekeeper; in fact he spent only a minute or 2 of his time getting the info about the decision-maker. Johnny then used his brains to get through the door â€" right over the phone.

This is a great way to get through the gatekeeper without having to drive out and do a song and dance. Even then, getting to the decision-maker is likely not going to happen without an appointment. The truth is, gatekeepers are notorious time-wasters and want nothing more than to be left alone. It’s YOUR job, Mr. Business Owner/Decision-Maker to speak with other Business Owners/Decision-Makers. Not to demean the Helga Gatekeepers of the world, but are you going to be the meek Business Owner/Decision-Maker and let $15/hour Helga prevent you from doing business or are you going to be like our Super Hero, Johnny Star, and do business today? In future episodes of Johnny Star we’ll pick the scenario back up and show how Johnny smartly closes the job.

Gatekeepers beware: they have met their match and it is…Johnny Star.

Scott Rendall is CEO of BRC Systems Solutions - a small/medium service business resource and consulting group, author and freelance magazine contributor. He has been in the service industry since 1994 and runs his own successful cleaning and restoration company in Michigan. BRC Website

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