Saturday, March 28, 2009

They're Interested, Now What?

Some people may be ready to buy your products/services right away. But what do you offer to the rest of the people who are interested but want to know more? Creating a structured sales process for your business may not seem like an important component of creating and attracting more potential clients and I can promise you, it is.

Here’s what frequently happens. People may be interested in knowing more about what your business has to offer but they are busy. They don’t have time to find your phone number and call you or spend time navigating through your website trying to figure it out how to find out more, so they do nothing.

When you are clear about your sales process, and can communicate it easily and consistently, you will feel more confident and you will be able to make a connection with your prospective clients.

People need to know what action to take if they want to know more. Make it simple and make it easy. People appreciate structure and like to know what they can expect.

Begin to define your sales process by deciding on the first step. The one action you want every person who is interested in your business to take. Make it something that delivers value. Here are some ideas about what you can give to prospective clients:

1. Offer a free sample of your products/services

2. Offer to meet with them for a free consultation

3. Invite them to take an assessment or quiz

4. Invite them to sign up for your newsletter

5. Offer to send them a valuable free report

Let me give you an example of what I am talking about. Let’s say you are at a networking event talking with Renee and she asks you, “What do you do?” You have prepared and rehearsed your fabulous elevator pitch (right?) so you share it. Renee seems intrigued, what do you do next? You can leave it there, finish your chat and move on. Or, you can say to Renee, “If you’re interested in knowing more, I can send you a special report. Would you like that?” See the difference?

Communicating the first stop of your sales process isn’t only important for prospective clients. It is also valuable to communicate it with strategic alliance partners so they can easily refer people to you. Make is easy for partners send you referrals by making the first step in your sales process clear to them.

Once you are clear on your first step, the one action you want prospective clients to take, incorporate it into every interaction you have and all of your marketing strategies. Think of things like this:

What you write:

- Text you will use to answer e-mails from prospective clients

- Text on your website

- Text on your business card (use the back of your card)

- Text in your e-mail signature

What you say:

- Words you will use when someone calls

- Words you will use when you meet someone face-to-face

- Words on your voice mail message

Once you have the first step established, decide what the next steps are until you have a complete process. The number of steps in your process will depend on your business and what you are offering. The most important step is the first one so start there. Utilize your sales process and be sure you follow through and follow up.

You’ve heard the expression ‘you never get a second chance to make a first impression.’ In business, you may not get a second chance to give a prospective client value. So choose your first step and start giving!

Life & Business Coach Stephanie Ward helps business owners set their profits on fire! Grab your free monthly profit tips plus bonus report at:

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