Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Customer Loyalty in the Technology Industry

For technology companies, service after the sale has emerged on equal footing with innovation as a competitive advantage.

As technology-related products and services touch nearly every area of our lives and our businesses, technology has become integrated in how we communicate, learn, work, and entertain ourselves. Our appetite for technology products is growing, even in today’s economic climate.

Traditionally, technology companies competed for this business by delivering more innovative, reliable products and services at lower prices. In the audio book, “Sound Advice on Customer Loyalty,” author Steve Walker says customer expectations are changing.

“Contracting markets and increasing commoditization of technology products have combined to give the customer the upper hand,” says Walker. “Technology companies must become more responsive to the ever changing needs of their customers.”

According to recent customer studies, this translates into a demand for improved customer support.

“Customers are expecting better technical and non-technical customer service,” says Walker. “Our research shows that service after the sale has emerged on at least equal footing with innovation as a competitive advantage for technology companies.”

“While the potential for technology companies is great, the need to manage customer loyalty in such a dynamic market is even greater,” says Walker. “For technology companies, a focus on customers will only add more value to the innovative products and services they are expected to deliver.”

Steve Walker offers advice on managing customer loyalty each week in the free audio newsletter from What’s Working in Biz, http://www.whatsworking.biz/full_story.asp?ArtID=92

About The Author

Richard Cunningham is a principal of What’s Working in Biz, http://www.whatsworking.biz, a publisher of business audiobooks and online audio programs on marketing, sales, and small business strategies.

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