Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Need More Prospects, Who Doesn't? Find These Better Solutions.

The greatest cry and need of sales people and sales organizations that I know of is leads and prospects. Too often, the word is, "I have no one to go see or to call." Or, "I need more leads!" Have you ever heard a fellow sales person say that? Or worse yet, have YOU said it? Let me tell you right off the bat, there is hope for more prospects, & more clients. How? You ask. Well, besides getting on the phone and going through some phone book, or going door to door, (whether it is house to house, or business to business), or asking all your friends, there is a another way. You might be able to talk to 100 people per day by phone or see 20 people door to door. But, now...there are much better ways! Needless to say, we live in a highly technological world, and there are software packages for those sales professionals and companies that do conventional & direct sales and/or home based businesses. You CAN increase your sales potential by using technological resources now available to you. Some packages are one-stop prospecting, marketing & lead generation systems that can actually have prospects calling you back for more information. Need more prospects? Through such systems, hundreds, if not thousands can be contacted quickly (less than 30 minutes for several thousand people) and tracked and many converted into sales and clients. The following is the scenario why: you are talking to people who really want to talk to you. You can reach hundreds or even thousands of potential clients without personally calling each one. And...once you talk to them, (after they call you back), you can continue to keep in touch with them through the software's contact management system. As a business owner or a sales professional, you are able to use your time more wisely, talk to only interested prospects, and place them in a database for follow-up, where you will never lose them. Communication/data base systems are rapidly gaining wide spread enthusiasm from direct sales organizations and traditional businesses, as well as multi level marketing and home-based businesses. These systems are being marketed to many professionals across the spectrum, from real estate agents, to mortgage brokers, stock brokers, insurance agents, credit card merchant services, car dealerships, and network marketers, among others. Communication systems will revolutionize how we think about contacting prospects and clients today and in the years to come. It will be more efficient and cost effective. Need more prospects? You can do the traditional methods of obtaining prospects, (like cold calling), including getting referrals, (which every professional should target) or you can add to your marketing arsenal such advancements as the software systems that make your contacts want to call you.

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