Getting paid. Isn't that the ultimate goal from each and every sale? It had better be, or you are in the wrong business! Why are you in the selling profession? It certainly isn't the easiest job. It certainly is not a career for everybody, and everyone is not qualified or capable to be in sales. At the core, we are professionals drawn to the potentially high level of earnings available. There are the scheduling freedoms, the new experiences every day, the self-discipline, the interaction with a variety of people, the networking, the fun and so much more that entices us to be in the selling profession. Typically however, we do not get paid until the customer pays for the goods and services rendered. It is extremely important to make certain that this happens, and in a timely manner.
Every salesperson has experienced the agony of having performed her duties flawlessly up to the point of the customer paying their bill, only to find that there has been no payment made, hence, no commissions earned. During the last few years, more and more companies have downsized or shut their doors for good, often with outstanding bills to pay. Lawyers, collection agents and sometimes the salesperson herself are employed in the effort to collect funds from delinquent accounts. It is not a role that we find comfortable at all.
How do we insure that our efforts are rewarded? How can we be certain that we will indeed see our commissions paid in a timely manner, or at all? Although there is no absolute guarantee, there is one technique that will certainly reduce or eliminate the incidence of non-payment and no commissions. They key to receiving commissions in exchange for our selling efforts is in the qualification process.
Do you really want to sell to just anybody? Do you really want to go out blindly and spend your precious resources attempting to develop an account that will never blossom into a paying customer? Aren't you really interested only in those prospects who have demonstrated a need for your product or service, who are ready to buy now and who have a proven track record for paying their bills promptly? Sure you are. These are the only type of prospect we should be interested in. When I investigate a new prospect, I have learned that it is critically important to pre-qualify them from a payment standpoint at the same time that I qualify them as a solid prospect, worthy of my additional sales time. It is not sales arrogance being demonstrated, but sales intelligence.
Spend your time wisely. Learn everything possible about each prospect, especially their current financial condition and payment history. In this manner, your selling time is rewarded by earned commissions, not endless headaches because of deadbeat accounts. It is somewhat akin to getting paid in advance!

Daniel Sitter is the author of the popular, award-winning book, Learning For Profit. Designed for busy people, his new e-book teaches simple, step-by-step accelerated learning skills, demonstrating exactly how to learn anything faster than ever before. Learning For Profit is available from the authorâs web site and from a variety of online book merchants. Mr. Sitter, having extensive experience in sales, marketing and personal development, is a frequent contributor to several publications..
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