Use these simple and effective tips to boost your prospecting performance.
1. Always use a conversational tone...don't come from a script. People hate to hear scripted sales pitches. Ditch the script and come from your heart. Even if you find yourself saying the same things over and over to different people, say it as if you are talking with them, not at them. Once you get a groove going, this gets easier. Your confidence and ability to assist others grows with each consecutive call.
2. Don't chase anybody. Chasing just defeats you and angers them. You've got no chance to help someone if all they want to do is get you off the line. Repeatedly trying to contact those who are not returning your call only wastes your time. Use the rule of thumb "Second call, or not at all!".
3. Make the objective of your conversation to find out what they are specifically looking for. Is your product or service something that they really need? Something that will benefit them in some way? Can you help the person? Ask them. Don't just launch in on a list of why your product or service is better than others out there. You're not trying to sell them, your helping them sell themselves.
4. Never assume that you know what the person wants or needs. Get to the truth of their objections by asking pertinent questions. If they "can't afford it" then ask "If you knew that ___could absolutely help you change your life for the better, what would it take for you to be able to afford it?" Make them think about why they are parroting out a response.
5. Give them questions that they really need to think about, rather than questions with cut and dried answers. Questions like "What do you mean when you say..." or "Can you elaborate on that a little?" assist the person in expanding their own reasons why they feel a certain way about something. Sometimes this is enough for them to see that they really don't know WHY they think this way, and that it is no longer serving them to do so.
6. Don't defend yourself or your product. You have absolutely no need to justify what you are selling or doing. If someone challenges you, don't buy into it. If someone asks "Is your company any better than so and so?" Move forward with questions like "If it were better, is that something you'd be interested in knowing more about?" Resolve again to find out specifically what they want and if you cannot offer that to them, let them go.
7. Assume that you don't need the sale. Your only concern is to find out if you and your prospect are a good fit. What you want to achieve is to discover whether or not you can help them. If you don't need the sale, then you won't be pressured to rush through a script or badger a prospect into buying.
8. Always end the conversation on a positive note, even if there is no sale. If you let someone go, do it with dignity and wish that person success. Mean it. It's possible that after mulling it over, they decide that your product or service is right for them. If your conversation was a friendly, helpful one, chances are good that they will remember that and come back to YOU for the sale.
9. Always come from a place of peace. Take 10 minutes to meditate and get quiet before you prospect. Get your mindset in the right place. You have something of significance. You want to assist people. You want open communication. Expect that these things will occur.
10. Be the leader that others are looking for. Your attitude, more than anything else, is what will affect the outcome of your efforts.
Copyright 2006 Angie Hewerdine
Angie Hewerdine is a successful home business owner in the fields of Wealth Creation and Personal Development. She has a passion for helping people attain personal and financial freedom using a simple 3 step system. For more information call 1-800-491-4758 or visit
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