Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The X Factor In Sales Success

Do you know how to apply the power of the X factor? The X factor in sales is simple multiplication of events and sales strategies that lead to sales. If business or salespeople apply this simple equation, they are released from the limits of time and energy.

The power of X in mathematics takes advantage of multiplication. In computers, we use the X to signify the multiplication of something. In sales, we can apply the same power when we multiply our efforts instead of simply adding single efforts over and over again. The difference between addition and multiplication is the difference between success and mediocre results. Successful sales professionals apply the power of multiplication, X instead of + or addition.

The Additional Sales Challenge

If you are asking yourself, why all businesses or salespeople don’t apply the principle of multiplication, it is a good question. The challenge of this question lies with the way salespeople are taught to sell. Most salespeople are taught to perform one task at a time and follow the best practices over an over again. The teaching of more calls on more contacts is the principle of addition, not multiplication. Making more calls will certainly improve sales and make more time for selling. However, there is a better way to improve sales.

Sales Automation Multiplies Success Results

We are taught in school that man learned how to use tools and become greater than all the beasts of the planet. The same principles are true in sales if we apply power tools to multiply our efforts in sales. The advancements in technology allow us to reach more people and businesses by multiplying our efforts. We can adopt sales strategies such as email marketing, pod casting, mailing and automated sales systems that multiply our sales efforts.

One of the greatest multiplication sales strategies is referral based marketing. Referrals multiply our sales efforts. A referral is like multiplying yourself. Instead of making sales calls ourselves, we can employ the power of multiplication from our customers.

If you are not adopting the X factor in sales, you are limiting your sales success to only your efforts. Expand your horizon in sales and use the power of X.

Steve Martinez - EzineArticles Expert Author

Steve Martinez teaches business how to out smart and out wit the competition by automating and customizing ACT and Outlook with the best practices of sales. http://www.sellingmagic.com

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